

please note that the Practice will be closed on Monday 15th July.  If you require urgent care please contact NHS24 on 111 or visit

Who Should I See?

Helping you Find the Right Care

Chronic Pain

Managing Pain

Chronic Pain ( more than 12 weeks)

If you are concerned about pain that has lasted more than 12 weeks or is recurrent, make an appointment with your GP who will refer you to Joan, our pharmacist and Pain Specialist for an initial 30 minute review of pain management, medications and lifestyle.

Pain Education Session

Pain Education Sessions - For anyone who has long term pain (more than 12 weeks). The sessions give better understanding of pain and how to cope with your pain condition better, understand your medication, reduce stress, improve sleep and manage flare-ups. If interested call Pain Concern 0300323 9966 or text 07548229958 for a call back or email and visit

Living with chronic pain This short leaflet explaining pain and its effects, includes tips on how to manage pain and also links to websites for further information on the management of pain and also stepping stones for welling being and stress management. Click on the link below to see the leaflet

Living With Chronic Pain  is a website used by clinicians and patients and has good information on self management of pain including information on understanding pain, a guide to self management and practical guidance on realistic activity and exercise, flare-ups, goal setting, sleep.

You could also try these Youtube Brainman short videos discussing chronic pain and its management. Click on the links below.


Understanding Pain in less than 5 mins:

Understanding Pain, Brainman chooses:

Understanding Pain, Brainman stops his Opioids :

Pain Association Scotland Lots of sound advice on living well with your pain from a major Scottish Pain Charity

Pain Concern UK Lots of information and support for chronic pain sufferers- including a form and a helpline- from one of the Uk's leading charities. Helpline 0300 123 0789 Every Monday,Thursday and Friday 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm

Stress management for Pain 

Living with pain can be stressful and likewise stress can make pain seem worse.

Advice and information on stress management service in West Dunbartonshire

 Also  try the website Glasgow Wellbeing Excellent web based and free site for self -help with a number of symptoms with many helpful downloads including information booklets, videos and relaxation tapes .Tel:0141 232 2555 (Courses also available if you live in South Glasgow )

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