We want to make things more accessible to everyone and help people to make improvements to their own lives.
We believe that everyone should be able to access the support and information that they need quickly and easily. We are also passionate about making sport accessible to everyone too. Get in touch with us today and see how we can help you.
Brilliant organisation offering lots of different approaches to improving lives.
Carers Support - Are you a Carer??
A carer is someone who provides support to someone who would not manage without their help due to disability, illness, addictions or frailty.
Your local carers' centre is Carers of West Dunbartonshire - (G81,82 and 83) Offer support, advice, information on 0141 941 1546 email: website
See their Carers Information Information leaflets here:
and a helpful video from Carers WD
Carers WD Video
Did you know? Carers have rights and are entitled to support.
There are a range of support services available to carers such as:
Emotional support, one to one, or in groups, and home visits where needed
Advocacy: making sure you are informed and that your voice is heard , for example at meetings involving the cared for person
Information on support available such as financial help, emergency plans, legal issues ,hospital discharge, help and training for the caring role you are in, therapies. Call CArers of West Dunbartonshire 0141 941 1546
Care Information Scotland is a helpline and website service providing information on care and support services for older people in Scotland and their carers. They can help you find the answer to your questions about support and caring and to put you in touch with local organisations that can help. To find out about options to support independent living, carer support or planning for the future, Tel: 08456 001 001 (local rate)or visit the website Monday to Friday 9 am till 5 pm.
Respite For Carers
Replacement care: Out of the Blue at Carers of West Dunbartonshire can provide opportunities to allow you to attend events that would otherwise be too difficult to manage with the caring role , such as a family wedding, hospital appointment, dentist, some training courses.
Respite: Respite and holidays
Can provide building based respite breaks at home, supported holidays, emergency respite. You can choose the break that suits you best Tel: 0141 562 2326
Kinship Carers
If you are a grandparent, sibling, aunt/ uncle or family friend looking after a family member because their parents are unable to do so , then you are a kinship carer.
See the website for information
If you are a grandparent, sibling, aunt/ uncle or family friend looking after a family member because their parents are unable to do so , then you are a kinship carer.
Young Carers
Are you a young person who spends time looking after someone because of their physical or mental health, disability, or addiction ? Or perhaps you know someone who does.
Ysortit provides one to one or group support for Young Carers
To get in touch with us: you can contact one of the Young Carers team on 0141 941 3308.
Or in person at the Y Sort-It base at 5 West Thomson Street Clydebank
Clydebank Social Work team can be contacted for information on many matters including advice about home care, residential and nursing homes, self directed support, respite and short breaks, community alarm and telecare, children at risk, adoption and fostering, applying for a Blue Badge, Adapting your home and generally assessing your needs.
The website is at For the Old Kilpatrick Dalmuir and Clydebank areas call the Adult & Older People Integrated team on 01389 811 760,
Mental Health Duty Social work on 0141941 4400 or the community hospital discharge team on 01389 828220.
You can report a child at risk by calling 0141 562 8800.
Another useful contact is Learning Disability Services 118-120 Dumbarton Road, Clydebank G81 1UG Tel: 0141 562 2333 or 0141 562 2334.
In case of an emergency outwith office hours Glasgow and Partners Emergency Social Work Service Tel: 0300 343 1505
Triple P Positive Parenting Programme
Triple P doesn't tell you what to do .It offers positive parenting support that offers clear suggestions to help you manage and prevent problem behaviour and look after yourself too.
Choose from one to one support or a group course. Self help books, DVDs available Helps people manage children's behaviour set family routines, get on well with your children, balance work and family. Call 0141 277 7560 and call or text 07995302918 or email
Your Support Your Way Glasgow - Central Parenting Team (
Triple P Implementation | Official Corporate site
Community Booklet provided for by West Dun. Health Visitors with many ideas and contacts
Parenting sessions for parents of children aged 0-6 and for parents/carers who would like guidance/advice on handling teenage behaviour. Relaxed informative sessions phone 01389 828242 for more information- West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Lone Parent Helpline: 0808 801 0323
Parenting across Scotland: Access free family information: any subject from your rights at work, becoming a [parent, managing difficult behaviour to starting school and teenagers.
Additional Support for Learning 0345 123 2303
Contact - For families with disabled children 0808 808 3555
Sleep Problems- Children and teenagers
Sleep Scotland's free Sleep Support Line provides on-the-spot guidance to parents and guardians struggling with their children’s and teenagers’ sleep problems.0800 138 6565
Scottish Child Law Centre 0131 667 6333
Dalmuir Out of School Care Group
A not- for- profit childcare facility based at Dalmuir Community Education Centre which provides :
Term Time :Breakfast Club 7:45am -9am and After school 3pm-6pm
And a Playscheme Full day 7:45 am -6pm includes day trips outdoor activities, cultural visits or more information cal 0141 951 4499 or 07495 674 684.The above service is Care Commission registered.
Mums and Munchkins at YSort It
The Mums and Munchkins group is designed to help out young mothers with their child and also offer a wide variety of advice on motherhood and the challenges you may and will face. The group meets on a Thursday afternoon from 1pm – 3pm in the Hub CE Centre Clydebank.
The group offers the following services to new and expectant mums and much much more:
Communication with your baby, Sexual health advice and support, Baby massage taster sessions, safety and play @ home, book bug story telling, education taster sessions for mums, breast feeding advice & support. To find out more about the group email Y Sort-It at or contact us at the Y Sort-It Base, 5 West Thomson Street in Clydebank. If you are travelling to the session, Y Sort-It can cover your public transport costs with proof of purchase.
Pre/ante natal/ support for new parents or parents to be:
NHS Service for mothers to be and new mothers experiencing mental health issues, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self harm or other challenges. Referral needs to be 6 months before or after birth. Treatment and support is available through the Community Perinatal Mental Health Team, a clinic, at home or at the Mother and Baby Unit Tel: 0141 211 6500
Bluebell Perinatal Services- Specialised support for parents - to - be and new parents experiencing emotional difficulties, anxiety, depression and other challenges. Services include in depth counselling, pre-natal training and consultation, art therapy, music therapy, baby massage , and a creche. Donation based - pay only what you can afford, no one is turned away because of inability to pay. Referral can be made during pregnancy and while having a child under the age of 2. Tel : 0141 221 3003
Also -Prenatal Services specifically for new Fathers or Fathers - to -be. For Fathers to be or new fathers experiencing distress or anxiety. "You are not alone- Contact us" Bluebell Perinatal Service Tom Allan Centre, Glasgow G2 4PB Tel : 0141 221 3003 or email see website As above, donation based
There is a waiting list for both of these, consider putting your name down.
Healthy Living for New Mums
Mum and baby class called Rock & Strollers which is delivered at the Meadow Sports Centre, Dumbarton on Tuesdays 11.30am- 12.30pm.
This class is taught by a fully trained post natal instructor and allows mum the opportunity to exercise with like minded mums.
Baby must be in pram or buggy as this is used within the class. No babysitter required:)
For more information contact Pauline Raeside Tel 01389 734094
Children and Young People
Services for Children and Young People - Provided in the Clydebank area by health and council services, including the young families support service, assistance for behavioural and mental health problems, mentoring, befriending, Triple P parenting and support for young carers. Various links from this website or Tel:0141 562 8800.
Concerned about a child- speak to someone: “Doing nothing is not an option” This could be a doctor, teacher, health visitor, social worker or police officer. Clydebank Social Work number is 0141 562 8800. Social Work Out of Hours Service : 0800 811 505 or speak to a staff member in the practice.
Active Schools - promoting School Clubs. List of sports clubs, see the web page:
After School Arts and Crafts Club at Dumbarton Library for children age 9-12
3:30-4:30pm call 01389 608 992 or see website Dumbarton Library Strathleven Place Dumbarton
PALS Play After Learning Service is an after school club for children with additional support needs. They also hold a group for over 16's with additional support needs.
Contact 0141 951 8274 for more information. PALS are based at Dalmuir Community Education Centre, behind the main building, Duntocher Road, G81 1EA
Young People
Y Sort-It Young people aged 12-25 can use the Drop- In services to access free internet, check emails, create CV’s, Job Search and much more.
If you are struggling with space to concentrate on your studies or school work, Y Sort-It offers a relaxed friendly, fun environment to concentrate!!
Information Workers are available to provide support, information and advice on any issue including health, housing, benefits and personal & family issues.
All enquiries will be confidential. Group work sessions run during the Drop in sessions, to promote learning in a fun way about various youth issues.
FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and NO APPOINTMENT needed, just pop in to see us!!
Wednesday Drop In from 6.30pm until 9pm Age Specific Times (12-15yrs or S1-S4).
Champions West Dunbartonshire support young people who are currently in care or have been in care, supporting young folk to have a voice in speaking to care providers and letting them know what they need/how it is. See their facebook site West Dunbartonshire Champions Board | Clydebank | Facebook or contact The Base 31-33 Queen Mary Avenue
Clydebank G81 2LS Tel: 0141 951 8318
Young Scot
Information and opportunities for young people in Scotland, discount card, travel discounts for 16-18 year olds. Info on lifestyles, rights, learning, working, funding opportunities, advice and much more. see website Young Scot – Information and Opportunities for Young People Don't Miss out!
Young people with an Eating Disorder :CARED is a website for parents & carers who are supporting a loved one who has recently been diagnosed with an eating disorder aged 25 or younger.
CARED aims to: address the sense of burden and isolation parents & carers may feel, improve confidence and provide practical hints & tips. See their website or email
For anyone: Awestruck Academy- Centre for learning in the Creative and Performing Arts Awestruck Academy is a conservatory for learning and developing practitioners in the Arts. Interesting new arts organisation 3 Queen's Square Clydebank G81 1EA.(Looks like the website is still under construction)
Awestruck Academy | Arts, Music, Media, & Digital Learning Centre (
Loneliness- as you've heard, its a thing, for both young and old. Read some helpful information from MIND:
Feeling lonely isn't in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Having a mental health problem increases your chance of feeling lonely, and feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health.
Older People
LinkUp is the single call telephone information line for older people in West Dunbartonshire. All of the LinkUp call handlers are trained volunteers who can help you find the information you need. By calling LinkUp on 0141 280 0129 we can signpost or transfer your call to any community service in the West Dunbartonshire area. LinkUp is active Monday-Friday 10 am – 3 pm. What kind of information can we get from LinkUp? Just about everything… details of how to check you are receiving the correct benefits, accessing house repairs, checking your fuel tariff, directions to hospitals, local lunch clubs, exercise classes, the day your bin is due to be emptied … just ask.
Clydebank Men's Shed, in the grounds of Dalmuir Community Centre
Men’s Sheds are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men’s Sheds are the opposite. They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.
Email or call or text Neil on 07866 625 660
Elderly Care – The Community Older People’s Team (COPT) provide co-ordinated help and support offering a wide variety of health and social care services for patients over 65 to support them and their carers in the community. 01389 811760
West Dunbartonshire Elderly Support 01389 737000
One Stop shop Alexandria Library Gilmour St Alexandria G83 0DA
Age UK Advice Line - Call on 0800 055 6112 - Free, independent advice 365 days a year For more information call Age UK in Scotland on 0800 12 44 222
Age UK Telephone Befriending Service - “Call in Time” - is a free telephone befriending service for matching volunteers with older people. Age UK Face to Face Befriending (Scotland) 0800 12 44 222
Helpline for older people. Confidential information , friendship, advice. Links callers to local networks, and offers Silverline friendship weekly calls ( free calls). Helps safeguard vulnerable older people
0800 4 70 80 90 Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week
also Silverline letters- written word support for hearing impaired who would like a Silverline friend or those who prefer the written word
much more at the website
Contact the Elderly organise Sunday afternoon Tea Parties , friendship, fun, tea and cake, held in peoples homes. Transport is included, for people over 75 dealing with loneliness and isolation 0800 716543 or email Lisa McTaggart or call Lisa 0141 816 0290
Lunch Clubs
Centre 81 at Whitecrook have a Bingo Lunch Club on Thursdays. Lunch, tea coffee, biscuits and Bingo are included in the Centre 81,2-16 Braes Ave, Whitecrook, Clydebank G81 1DP call 0141 533 7070 for more information.
Dalmuir Barclay Church hold a Lunch club fortnightly on Fridays ( next date is Friday 26th October ( costs £2, lunch such as mince and tatties plus tea, coffee and biscuits) Serving from 12:00- 12:45.
"Grab a Granny" Golden Friendships
are offering free entertainment for older people. They are encouraging people to sponsor a lonely elderly person- all they need to do is accompany the person to the event- everything is free. First date is January 22nd from 2-4pm at the 543 Club, Masonic Halls. 18 Nairn Place G81 4AU For information contact Jim 07957 568 330
Meal Makers service - a volunteer who loves cooking will bring an extra portion of home cooked food to share with an elderly person.If you'd like to volunteer with this project please contact them Tel: 0141 551 8118 email website
Home Falls Prevention Service It is important to investigate a fall.
This service is for anyone over 65 who has had a fall in the last year, and their family or carers.
Guidance on how to prevent further falls, home assessment service, physio assessment, referral for rehabilitation or other support if needed. Tel: 0141 427 8311
Care Information Scotland is a helpline and website service providing information on care and support services for older people in Scotland and their carers. help you find the answer to your questions about support and caring and to put you in touch with local organisations that can help. To find out about options to support independent living, carer support or planning for the future, Tel: 08456 001 001 (local rate)or visit the website Monday to Friday 9 am till 5 pm.
Safe Journey Cards
If you have a fear of falling on the bus you‘ll find this a great help. With a First Safe Journey Card you can privately let the driver know what sort of help you need and they‘ll wait for you to reach your seat safely before driving off.
Clydebank Senior Forum
Meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 am. They offer information, advice, friendship, support and promote the Rights of Pensioners.
For more information contact Mary McAlee 0141 585 1375
North West Car Scheme: For elderly patients who struggle with mobility and need to attend health care appointments service available in North West of Glasgow
Volunteers will collect you from your home by car, take you to the appointments and then return you home. Can also accommodate a wheelchair. The service is FREE to patients who meet the criteria . To find out if you are eligible call 0141 880 5777 or email
LGBT-Lesbian , Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People
LGBT Helpline Scotland
Information and emotional support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families, friends and supporters across Scotland. Open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 12-9pm. Call : 0300 123 2523
Fusion--Ysortit also provide LGBT support to Young people (under 25)
The group brings young people together and provides opportunity to take part in workshops, learn new skills and develop knowledge about loads of different topics like sexual health, confidence building, job skills and much more. But most importantly the groups give young LGBT people the opportunity to meet like minded young people, make new friends and generally have fun. The group is scheduled to meet every Monday night at the Y Sort-It main base from 6.30 until 8.30pm.
email: or or call: 0141 941 3308 Visit the main base: 5 West Thomson Street Clydebank G81 3EA
Glasgow Women’s Library
Glasgow Women’s Library is no ordinary library! We are the only resource of its kind in Scotland and a true national treasureAs well as a lending library, we hold a wonderful treasure trove of historical and contemporary artifacts and archive materials that celebrate the lives, histories and achievements of women. From Suffragette memorabilia and 1930s dress making patterns to rare 1970s Scottish Women’s Liberation newsletters, it’s all here!
Abuse, Rape, Victim Support
Concerned about a child- speak to someone: “Doing nothing is not an option” This could be a doctor, teacher, health visitor, social worker or police officer. Clydebank Social Work number is 0141 562 8800. Social Work Out of Hours Service : 0800 811 505, Police Scotland on 101, or speak to a staff member in the practice.
Clydebank Women's Aid is a confidential organisation which provides information, support and refuge, if needed, for women, children & young people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. You do not have to come into refuge to get support. Confidential Information & Support Service, Benefit Information, Housing Rights, Legal Information, Accommodation, Advocacy. call 0141 952 8118 10-4 Monday to Thursday and 10 till 1pm on a Friday.
CARA Project - Challenging And Responding to Abuse - For women in West Dunbartonshire who may have experienced Child sexual abuse, domestic abuse, rape and sexual assault or parents whose children have been sexually assaulted. Open Monday to Friday 9-5 call 01389 738595 or 01389 738278.
NAPAC - National Association for People Abused in Childhood
Supporting recovery from childhood abuse. The damage caused by child abuse doesn’t always end in childhood. We offer support to adult survivors and training for those who support them. 0808 801 0331
The Cedar Project West Dunbartonshire is an abuse, trauma, recovery therapeutic group work programme for children and young people aged 4-16 who have experienced domestic abuse. Mothers also attend a concurrent programme to enable them to support their children’s recovery. Tel: Marilyn McColl 0141 562 8800 email: website
Rape Crisis Scotland
If you have been raped or sexually abused or are supporting someone else who has, you can contact Rape Crisis for help and information. It doesn't matter whether this happened recently or a long time ago. You can phone our helpline any day between 6pm and midnight free on 08088 01 03 02 to speak to someone in confidence.We also offer a similar support service by email:
Support to Report If you are thinking of reporting sexual violence or rape to the police, you can access support before, during and after reporting, police investigation and any court process. Call Support to Report at Glasgow Rape Crisis centre 0141 552 3201 or call Police Scotland on 101
Victim Support Clydebank Free confidential and independent support to all people affected by crime Tel:(0141) 952 2095
SAY Women provide a flexible, person centred to young women, 16 - 25 years, who have experienced childhood sexual abuse / exploitation, rape / sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, including commercial sexual exploitation.
We are a service that prioritises support for young women who are at risk of / are experiencing homelessness. For support :call 0141 552 5803 Accommodation: call 0141778 4777 email
CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably
Interesting website with resources, supporting men and aiming to prevent male suicide
Helpline 0800 585858
Men's Shed Clydebank
Creates an opportunity to meet others, share skills, learn new ones ,in a SHED environment - its somewhere to go that's not a pub or a bookie's. Take part in a workshop setting working on a project you choose. Work in wood, metal, bike restoration, model engineering, tool and boat renovations... or just enjoy the social space, chat, read, listen to the radio and have a cuppa. Sounds perfect?
Good transport links (buses and train station nearby) and parking outside. The Men's Shed encourages younger men to come and get involved too-become a Shedder! and share skills and learning through generations .Free membership, the Shed is run by members for members.
at Dalmuir Community Centre, Duntocher Road call/text 07866 625 660 or 07919027382 email or for more information on" the Shed "

Mens' Health Website Browse all kinds of information relating to mens' health.
Volunteering Opportunities -Volunteering is Good for your health!
There are many benefits to volunteering:
Get involved in your community, Give something back, Meet people, Have Fun, Use your existing skills and learn new ones, get out and about, gain work experience or just enjoy it.
You should expect to be given training and ongoing support, some travel expenses are usually paid ( not always depending on budgets)
(Just for info -You are probably not too old!)
Here are a few resources you could explore:
LINKUP West Dunbartonshire
A new website for all things West Dunbartonshire
Includes information on volunteering, opportunities, resources, organisations.
WDCVS- West Dunbartonshire Community and Volunteer Services can help you find roles to suit your interests , just call them and arrange a friendly chat Call 0141 941 0886
They are at : Arcadia Business Centre, Miller Lane, Clydebank,West Dunbartonshire,G81 1UJ See their website
Volunteers wanted for the Footcare service and also for Reception - meeting and greeting people using the footcare service. Training and support is provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience for people interested in working in Health and Social Care and can lead to further opportunities. Get in touch with WDCVS for more info on 0141 941 0886 Volunteers also wanted for Reception - meeting and greeting people using the service.
Male Volunteers also required and general volunteers for the WDCVS Befriending Service- make a difference to someone who is isolated- this is a really rewarding role and you are matched with people who you may have interests in common with you.Call 0141 941 0886
The Hub Community Centre Clydebank are also looking for volunteers and have a range of opportunities- just call.01389 764 135
Volunteer Glasgow
offer a range of opportunities and information, support for volunteers and will help you find a role that suits your interests
Tel: 0141 2263431 Email:
see website
Royal Voluntary Service
Volunteers provide companionship to patients during a hospital stay, Help in hospital shops and cafes, provide trolley service with essentials around wards ,and help older people get back on their feet after a hospital stay. See website or call 0845 608 0122
The Coach House Trust are looking for volunteers (as of Sept 2018)
84 Belmont Lane
G12 8EN
We work with individuals aged 16 or over with mental health issues, addictions, and or learning disabilities. We cover the whole of Glasgow. We offer gardening, computing, music, art, healthy eating and nutrition workshops. Through this we help people recognise and realise their full potential. We support and encourage people to think about their future, whether that’s working towards entering employment, education or voluntary work.
Phone us on 0141 334 6888 and arrange an interest visit initially.
see website or email
Other information and support
ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) is a service to help you find help and support close to you when you need it most. Being a year old it is not a comprehensive resource for Clydebank but worth a postcode search as it should improve with time.